Rod Winning
Landscapes, historical buildings, and landscape abstracts.
Painting for more than a decade, a member and Past President of the South Delta Artist Guild, Rod continues to create a wide variety of paintings and gathering a style of his own. Pleine Air painting is a love of his and you may see him painting different locations in South Delta with the SDPAPsouthdeltapleinairartists on Wednesdays and around the lower mainland with the MIH. The Men In Hats, meet every Tues at a different location in the lower mainland for 4 hours to paint outdoors in the fresh air with continual fresh ideas. btw, half of the MIH group are women.
Rod is located in Ladner, British Columbia a small village on the Fraser River just a few miles from downtown Vancouver B.C. Near enough to the city but in the country.
Check out Rod’s website
Rod Winning, Artist
Acrylics, Watercolour painting, Pen and Ink.
Drawing, Vinyl block cutting and Copper tooled pictures.
I joined the South Delta Artists Guild even though I was just a beginner, and I felt very comfortable with the Guild as members welcomed me and I began to take part in the events.
I started with a couple of workshops on Big Flower paintings Marnie Rose Edge, another on Colours with June Harmon and Watercolour with Marlene Strain. By painting with my friends and fellow members of the South Delta Artists Guild I get a lot of good advice. You don't have to be an accomplished artist to belong to an art Guild. It's a great place to learn and build on your skills at any level. It's a opportunity to bring your 'hobby' out into the open.
I love showing my paintings at our Gallery 1710 member shows and our many
outside venues. It's nice to tell my friends that I have
paintings hanging for display and sale of course.
I've always been a photographer interested in
Landscape scenery, Flowers, Buildings, Bridges.
Now I find myself looking at things a lot differently, with an eye for painting.
I see hues and values where I never thought about them before.
I see shapes and composition possibilities for paintings.
Now I call myself an artist because people have bought my paintings. A thrill to say the least when someone I don't even know likes my paintings enough to buy them.
Now that I've shown my paintings in solo shows shared shows and with a major show with one other artist SNL149 at Gallery 1710 of the South Delta Artists Guild. I've also shown at the Lost and Found Cafe with SNL149. Our next show will be downtown Vancouver BC . If you have a venue, let me know.
I hope you enjoy my paintings as much as I enjoy painting them.