Watercolours, Acrylic, Vancouver BC, Ladner BC, Delta BC, paintings, artist, #artwork, PleinAirArtist, PleinAirBC, South Delta Artists Guild,



LOCAL AND BEYOND is a showing of art by myself Rod Winning. 27 pces at the Tsawwassen Library Art Room

Inspiration: 'I SEE YOU' did it for me.

Sometimes the things that inspire you and bring ideas into your head are simple. It's like when you're sittng with a pen or paint brush in your hand, and a blank paper just waiting for the first mark and you can't get started. Writers block or blank out.

Well I was recently inspired by one of my simple paintings. Yes something I created from scratch, inspired me to do other things. Not necessarily an ispiration for a painting but being inspired to actually get going and do somthing. You see it's easy to just get through the day keeping busy but not accomplishing. Retired people have to plan their days and make sure to keep active, busy and worthwhile. Hobbies are fine but that's just not enough for most. If you have a hobby, then make it fun and get active. Volunteer and join the local group of that hobby. Get others involved and make it your business to become an expert at your hobby. Maybe it's golf, tennis, lawnbowling or another sport. Maybe it's reading, writing, debating, crafts or painting.

My hobby is painting and like most things you do, you get better as you do it more often. I got involved with the South Delta Artists Guild and joined other painters in a quest to not only get better but to enjoy. I network with other artists and enjoy the Painting, Learning, Showing and even selling paintings.

My little painting 9 x 12 acrylic I SEE YOU with the birds, people, animals and eyes talks to me and makes me want to do something. Hopefully something important enough to satisfy the need to not just keep busy but to be productive and worthwhile among friends and family.

I hope you can see something in my painting too. Maybe I should change it's name to INSPIRE!!